Design and Construction | 2001 | UCSD, La Jolla, CA
BIOSPHERIA was inspired by the social, cultural and environmental struggles of a scientific experiment of holistic theories of ecology, Biospheria 2 (world’s largest enclosed ecosystem.) The opera took the form of a guided tour through the University of California, San Diego and the campus itself served as an allegorical stand-in for Biosphere 2. Audiences moved from site to site visiting a sequence of active tableaux. Each site represented a historical moment in the lives of the ‘Biospherians.’ The narrative & music portion of the opera was communicated via portable CD player & headphones. Audience members were divided into units of 8 representing the 8 original scientists of biosphere 2. This unique project was commissioned by the University of California Institute for Research in the Arts and funded by UCSD Visual Arts Department & UCSD Department of Campus Planning.
Hector Perez
in collaboration with Steve Ausbury & Anthony Burr & Isaso Peticorena